About CompanyHQ

We provide all of the information, organisation, and storage you need to run a business back office and corporate functions ranging from risk management to business and strategic planning. Our cloud-based system allows you and your employees access to all of your critical business documents and provides helpful links and guidance. CompanyHQ makes finding, editing, and maintaining your most critical business documents easier than ever, allowing you to focus on what’s really important.

We understand security is important, especially for your most critical documents and data. CompanyHQ utilises Amazon Web Services (AWS) and was built using a secure platform, protected via encryption and 2FA login so you can rest easy knowing your confidential documents are secure. CompanyHQ is simple to navigate with understandable guidance and information complemented by templates that are easy to complete, use and find.

How It Works

It can be hard as a small to medium sized business owner to set up, and manage the information and documentation required to effectively operate your business and comply with the numerous rules and regulations. CompanyHQ decided to create a simple, but effective platform.

CompanyHQ is a Software as a Service (‘SaaS’) business platform that provides the core information, organisation and secure cloud storage required to administer a business back office or corporate function. The cloud-based platform, content (knowledge base) and file structure are developed around key business areas.  Within each of these are sub-categories of content that allow the secure upload, storage and retrieval of individual business documents and files. Content will be continually reviewed and updated, and new features added to the platform, based on user feedback and demand.


CompanyHQ provides standardised templates that apply to all common areas of a business, making it easy to create, edit and store relevant documentation.

Multiple Companies

It is easy to add, or remove managed companies from within your CompanyHQ portal. Allowing management of multiple companies templates.

Helpful Links

Where further information is required, or templates aren’t suitable we provide helpful links to help you make important decisions.

Easy Navigation and Storage

CompanyHQ has been designed with ease of use in mind with simple, effective creation, storage, and maintenance of your most important documents.

How CompanyHQ Works

Multiple Users

Each CompanyHQ portal is able to add additional users with custom access permissions to manage your documents.

Professional Advice

CompanyHQ works with professional advisors who are able to offer additional support where necessary (may incur additional fees)